{ x2
x }:
A Contribution
to the
Immanent Critique
Distributed «Samizdat» by
Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica
Formatted for HTML: 29 January 2007
Last Updated: 23 February 2004 C.E./B.U.E.
First Distributed: 25 November 1999 C.E./B.U.E.
1999 C.E./B.U.E. by F.E.D. Copyright to original portions of this work is hereby granted to all persons.
This essay is a partially self-exemplifying exposition of, and a record of an ongoing self-critique of, the ideas advanced herein. It is a 'meta-dynamical' and 'meta-evolving'
conceptual object. Edition index [self-edit iteration number] and last
revision date are stated on the title page; the most recent changes are
coded as plum-colored text. The time sequence of changes in the form /
content of this essay is predicted to be both an illustration and an
instantiation of the meta-model of ontological meta-dynamics that this
essay explores, as well as of the 'homeomorphic defect' of that
meta-model. We expect that successive editions of this document will
document an 'ideo-onto-dynamasis' rather than an 'ideo-onto-stasis'; a 'meta-evolving ideo-ontology'; a 'multi-meta-ontic idea-cumulum'; an expanding, and ever 'thickening', increasingly inter- and intra-connected, 'inter-acted' network of 'inter-implicatory', 'inter-determinate', 'inter-generative' ideas, elaborated on a mounting count of 'metafinite', 'meta-fractal' scales, all exemplifying a "non-standard", Contra-Boolean logic; the ontologically dynamical logic of the dialectical 'law" of cognition signified by the 'ideo-ontological', "pure-qualitative",
-algebraic inequation x2
x .
This writing is an unpublished work, and one which is not sold or
exchanged for remuneration or commercial gain of any kind, but is
distributed «samizdat» to selected individuals and
organizations, on a donation basis, free of charge. This work is a
potential contribution to the collective creative property of the
Terran human species: assimilate, disseminate, critique, and surpass at
will. We, the authors, seek hereby to further neither our monetary
riches, nor our public power, nor our personal fame. What we want,
money cannot buy. We hope, with your help, to build a better us, and to
help do our infinitesimal part in building a better universe
["infinitesimal" differences can matter, as nonlinear dynamics
demonstrates]. More monetary wealth will not buy that betterment. More
political power cannot impose it. More fame would mainly distract from
it. We hope that you have chosen, or will choose, to build a better
you. We hold that this choice entails the profoundest consequences for
one's life, as well as for the lives of others. We also hold that such
choices belong to you alone. We wish to share, with you, the
forthcoming conceptual riches. We will rejoice, and we will be
compensated, if you teach us in turn, help us to correct our errors,
and thus advance the common-wealth of all beyond this offering. We also
request our readers' forgiveness in the areas of our many shortcomings,
some of which, though determined to strive ceaselessly to overcome
them, we will never, in a lifetime, overcome. We, the authors, are not
publicly accessible, but will endeavor to continue private transmittals
to you if you indicate publicly, however cryptically, and we recommend
that it be cryptically, your desire that we should do so. We want not
that our existences, let alone our egos, should be an impediment to
that great reverberating propagation of new cognitions, and of emerging
new forms of cognition, of which this essay is, at best, an
incomplete, imperfect, transitory, and transitional manifestation. We
therefore happily forego personal credit, and, by thus renouncing in
advance the [remote] possibility of any notoriety resulting thereby,
hope also to retain more lifetime for the continuation of this work.
Dialectical ideography as set forth herein is interpreted variously as:
(1) a calculus of 'quanto-qualitative change', encompassing an explicit, ideographical arithmetic for the dimensional unit[ie]s or metrical "monads" of classical "dimensional analysis", and, thereby, 'semantifying' the "meaningless" singularities [finite-time "infinite" values] of especially
the "unsolvable" [in part, because of those very singularities]
nonlinear integrodifferential equations and their solution-functions
through their metrical 're-qualification' using those new, explicit 'metrical qualifiers' of this 'dimensional arithmetic', concretizing and operationalizing Plato's «arithmoi monadikoi» and Diophantus'
(2) an alternative, onto-logical contra-Boolean algebra;
(3) an ideographic, 'onto-dynamical' "symbolic logic" for the state-space/control-parameter-space 'meta-dynamics' of 'meta-finite', conversion-singularity 'self-bifurcation';
(4) a mathematics for modeling the history of mathematical ideas as well as a [psycho-]historical algebra and arithmetic
for modeling the 'meta-evolution' of the sciences generally; an
ideography for the [psycho-]history of ideas; an ideography of the
'meta-dynamical' logic of conceptual self-innovation and
self-development; a 'philosophical algebra' or trans-Leibnizian «characteristica universalis»; an arithmetic and algebra of innovative conception or of the creative conceptual process;
(5) a rules-system for an ideographical language of qualitative self-escalation in self-transcending [meta-]systems;
(6) a generic algorithm for the 'meta' operation regress; for a trans-Hegelian, autopoiesic version of the 'aufheben' operation; and for a "dynamical", 'temporalized', diachronic, 'meta-evolutionary' version of the Russellian/Gödelian logical types hierarchy;
(7) a model for a 'meta-fractal', non-Cantorian theory of totalities, of 'meta-finite' arithmetics, and of the "foundations" of mathematics;
(8) an arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and analysis built on certain "non-standard natural numbers", i.e., on the 'Gödelian 'meta-natural' numbers', a space of "hypernumbers" 'of 2nd degree', 'made up out of "standard", '1st degree' natural numbers, instantiating those "non-standard models of first order Peano arithmetic" whose possibility is implied by the first-order conjunction of Gödel's completeness and incompleteness theorems, as by the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem, constructing thereby an 'ontologically dynamical', 'de-Parmenideanized' actualization of Plato's "arithmetic of dialectics", the «arithmoi eidetikoi».
This essay, in addition to that of ideogramic, pictogramic, and
phonogramic symbolization, draws also upon the power of
neo-mythological, allegorical, and mythopoeic — that is, of psycho-historical —
symbolization to aid in the conveyance of its most urgent messages.
Dialectical ideography is, we believe, a humble but potent seed. As
with the several non-Euclidean geometries that arose from the failed
attempts to prove the absoluteness of Euclid's geometry, these non-Parmenidean, contra-Boolean, and contra-Cantorian onto-logical and onto-dynamical arithmetics and their algebras of dialectics
may bear fruit for humanity only if germinated through the intra- and
inter-personal dialogue, and dialectic, of assimilation, critique,
refutation, and supersession. We have avoided broadcast publication and
indiscriminant distribution of this essay. We wish to base its
circulation, and the selection of its recipients, upon our best
judgment of its potential value to each candidate recipient. The
taking to heart of the ideas "graphed", both ideographically and
narratively, herein, can produce profound transformation in the very
identity of the person so taking. Panic in response to perception of
the early signs of such transformation in others may elicit, from some
perceivers, a violent reaction. In particular, the intimations of the 'meta-human', Δh, implications of the 'cumulum'
of human[oid] evolution is profoundly disturbing to some. We are
therefore transmitting this document only to those whom we perceive,
via their own published writings, to be already verging on similar or
related conceptions as a result of their own protracted 'self-meta-evolution'.
We have also decided not to disseminate the most "dangerous" of the
results to date. We believe that you are eminently capable of 're'-discovering
these results, if you have not yet discovered them already. Should you
do so, we urge that you treat them, and their dissemination to others,
with utmost care. The system, more accurately, the systems, of dialectical ideography glossed herein continue to evolve and 'meta-evolve' rapidly in our research. They burgeon beneath our feet.
We expect to exercise a similar restraint and discretion in any future
progress reports which we may send your way. We therefore lodge the
Omni-Copyright statement above together with this countervailing
caveat: we recommend that you disseminate this document, its ideas,
and/or related ideas of your own discovery, with careful judgment. Give the friends of humanity a head start vis-a-vis their adversaries.
Dialectics should inculcate humility. "Perfection" is not a final meta-state that can be finally manifested, but an open-ended, 'uncompleteable', asymptotic process,
moving from greater to lesser imperfection. We realize that conceptual
'homeomorphic defect' is inescapable for cognizing beings such as
ourselves. Even at best, we must always be partly wrong. Even at best,
one cannot be finally, completely, and wholly right. One's mental
constructs cannot ever be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but
the truth. But one may be right enough for one's time, for one's
moment, for one's role, and for one's part; right enough to
help one's contemporaries to live through, and beyond, one's time, and
thus, potentially, to enjoy the privilege, the pain notwithstanding, of
a vital ['life-ful'] and willing participation in the succeeding epoch
of imperfection.
Prescripts: Motive
Part I. Prolegomena
- The Productive Force of Language
- Why 'Ideography'? — Beyond Bones and Stones
- Why the 'Ideographic Title' { x2
x }?
- Briefings on

Part II. The Meta-Evolution Of Arithmetics
[The Cognitive Psycho-Historical Dialectic of Arithmetic to date]
The Nonlinearity Barrier — The Current Psycho-Historical Impasse of the Mathematical Sciences
The Psycho-Archaeology of Number: The Pre-History of Arithmetic — From Iconic 'Tokenology' to Cuneiform Literacy
The Psycho-Historical Pattern of Arithmetical Progress and 'The Gödelian Ideo-Meta-Dynamic'
A Symbolic History of Arithmetic — Q-based Models of the Historical Meta-Evolution of the Number Concept
- Models of History; 'Meta-Arithmetical' Models of the History of
Arithmetic; 'Mathematical' Models of the History of Mathematics
- The Mesopotamian 'Tokenology', Diophantus'
, and The Elision Of
The Qualifiers [Confinement of Arithmetic to Plato's «Arithmoi
- Psycho-Historical Analysis of the Reification and Fetishism of
the Pseudo-Subjectivity Abstract "Quantity" in the Formation of The
Nonlinearity Barrier
The Historical Trend of the Gradual [Re-]Emergence of "Hypernumber" [Convolute] Qualifiers in Higher Arithmetic, Higher Algebra, and Analysis
A Q-based Psycho-Historical Model of the Emergence of
A Dialectical-Ideographic, Psycho-Historical Model of the Nonlinearity
Barrier and of its Overcoming? 'Philosophical Algebra' — A
Meta-Dynamical Logic of Conceptual Self-Bifurcation: Ideographic Models
of the Meta-Evolutions of Ideas?
Critique of Hegel's Critique of the Conceptual Potential of Mathematics
(An «Aufheben» 'Ideo-Meta-Fractal'; An 'Ideo-Onto-Dynamical',
'Multi-Meta-Ideo-Ontic Cumulum' of 'Mathic' Ideas)
Dialectical Ideography as Candidate Trans-Leibnizian Characteristica Universalis?
What Is 'The Science of Mathematics' — 'Ideometry via Ideography'? The
'Linguistic' Approach to "The Foundations of Mathematics"
The 'Gödelian Ideo-Meta-Dynamic', the
Conjecture, the
Ever-Burgeoning 'Knowledge-Deficit', and the Ontological Status of the
Part III. The Arithmetics Of Meta-Evolution
Categorial-Progression Exposition of some Systems of Dialectical
Healing the Parmenidean / Zenoan Psycho-Historical Trauma
[Set-Theoretic Model of 'The Gödelian Meta-Dynamic'; Inescapability of
- Derivation of Dialectical Ideography by reductio ad absurdum
Self-Refutation of the Implicit 'Parmenidean Postulate' of
"Self-Evident" Set Theory?
- The 'Standard Paradoxes' — The "Reflexive" Paradoxes of Formal Logic / Set Theory and Nonlinear ['Self-Reflexive' / 'Self-Refluxive'] Dynamical Systems
- 'Non-Standard Paradoxes' — The Set of All Sets: From Paradox to
Paradigm [The 'Meta-Fractal' Onto-Dynamics of its "Logical Types"
'The Method of [Re-]Flexions' — 'Ideo-Gram-matical' Principles of a Comprehensively Operatorial Ideography
Nonlinear Numbers — The 'Aufheben' Evolute Product,
[Self-]Multiplication of [Ontological] Qualities: Contra-Boolean
Arithmetic & Contra-Boolean Algebra
- The [Re-]Emergence of the [Evolute] Qualifiers
- The Relations of Qualitative [Ontological] Inequality and of
Qualitative [Ontological] Succession ['Qualitative Total Order'] &
Plato's «Arithmoi Eidetikoi»
- Stages of Number-Concept Meta-Evolution Internal to
and Beyond: From Ontic Pure-qualification to Ontic Quanto-qualification to Onto-metrical Quanto-qualification
as "Non-Standard Natural Arithmetic" [Models for "Gödelian"
'Meta-Natural' Numbers]? The Fundamental Theorem of Dialectical
- 'Convolute' Re-Qualification of the Einstein Momentum
Equation: Specimen of 'Quanto-Qualitative Computation'?; Intimations of
an Inter-Stellar Drive?
- (Quantitative) Continuum [Hypothesis] &
[Quanto-Qualitative] Cumulum [Hypothesis] — Q Models of "Non-Standard",
Non-Cantorian 'Metafinite' Arithmetics?
- 'Cumulativity' &
'lrrepeatability' in the Time Cumulum: The Time-parameter as Ultimate
Dependent Variable
- Psycho-Historical Analysis of the Reification and Fetishism of the
Pseudo-Subjectivity Abstract "Time" in the Formation of the Nonlinearity
- Chrono-Poiesis: 'The Method of Refluxions' and the
Constitution/[Re-]Production of Time by the [Self-]Action / [Self-]Change / Self-Duality of all Eventities
- On the ['Meta-Fractal'] 'Chronodynamics' of Meta-Evolving Bodies
The Varieties of Quanto-Qualitative Ideography: Unit Interval vs. Full-Multiplicity 'Qualified' Arithmetics —
and Beyond
Part IV. Applications
- Taxonomic Level One Application of
— A Dialectical Model of
Nature/'Physis' [«Aufheben» Structure/'Meta-Fractality' of the
Physical Universe]
Deeper Level Applications of
and 
- Case Example: Level Two Onto-Dynamics —
Meta-Evolution of the Human-Social Relations of [Expanding
Human-Society Self-Re-]Production
- The 'Law' of the Tendency of Successful Advanced Industrial Capitalist Democracies to Plutocratic Totalitarian Degeneration — The
Political-Economic "Law of Motion" of Modern Society.
- 'Equitism': Publics' Management of 'Externality Equities', New Paradigm
for Preserving & Advancing Democratic Econo-Political Governance.
Applications of
— Breaching the Nonlinearity Barrier
- Time for Closed-Form Solutions
- The Paradox of Singularity, the Fetishism of Infinity, and the Principle of Metafinity
- The Method of 'Re-Qualification' and Singularity 'Semantification':
Conversion-Singularity Meta-Dynamics and the Restoration of the
- Psycho-Historical Analysis of the Reification and Fetishism
of the Pseudo-Subjectivity "Natural Laws" in the Formation of the
Nonlinearity Barrier
- Psycho-Historical Analysis of the Reification and
Fetishism of the Pseudo-Subjectivity "Chance" in the Formation of the
Nonlinearity Barrier
- "Chaos" is a Misnomer: The Pythagorean Psycho-Historical Trauma Revisited and 'Meta-Re-Stimulated'
- The Healing of the Pythagorean Trauma and the Order of "Chaos" —
Never-Repeating Decimals and Never-Repeating Time-Series / Trajectories
- The Order of the Primes and the Order of
"Randomness" — Toward a New Paradigm of Order for Nonlinear,
Self-Reflexive Dynamics and Meta-Dynamics
Self-Applications [Autocritiques]:
, &
[Some Aspects of Their Homeomorphic Defect]
Part V. The 'via Singularity' Self-Bifurcating Metasystems Paradigm of Quanto-Qualitative, 'Meta-Fractal' Metadynamics
Postscripts: Epilogues
Zoom-In Map of Motive Section
- Hypothesis A. The "Law" of the Tendency of Ecological Primary Productivity To Decline?
- Hypothesis B. The Greater versus the Lessor Threat
- Hypothesis C. The Principle of The Planetary Selection Test
- Hypothesis D. The Fusion Barrier and The Nonlinearity Barrier
a. Working Conviction: The Dialectics / Nonlinearity / Self-Reflexivity Link.
b. Working Conviction: The Nonlinearity / Set-Theoretical Paradoxes
Link: Dialectics as Logos/Logy/Logic of 'Self-Reflexive /
Self-Refluxive Functions'.
c. Working Conviction: Self-Action Yields 'Quanto-Qualitative' 'Meta-Finite' Growth.
d. Working Conviction: Self-Operation of 'Operators' as Ideographic Representation of 'Onto-Genic' and 'Onto-Generative' 'Self-Reflexion' /'Self-Refluxion'.
e. Working Conviction: The Parmenidean Roots of The Nonlinearity Barrier.
f. Working Conviction: Goal: A Non-Reductionist Ideography of the 'Quanto-Qualitative' 'Self-Dynamics' of Natural (Including 'Human-Nature-al') 'Meta-Systems'.
g. Working Conviction: The 'Evolute', 'Cumulative', and 'Irrepeatable' Character of Cosmological Evolution / 'The Energy-Time/Space-Matter Cumulum'.
h. Working Conviction: Retention and 'Semantification' of "Hybrid", Cross-Product Terms.
i. Working Conviction: Goal: An Ideography of the «Aufheben» Operation.
j. Working Conviction: The Pseudo-Agents "Pure Quantity", "Time",
"Natural Law", & "Chance".
k. Working Conviction: The Concept of
Meta-Finite, Conversion-Singularity 'Self-Bifurcation'.
l. Working
Conviction: The Concept of 'Self-Duality' or 'Di-act-icity'.